My name is Ashlianna Felix and I am a Massachusetts based illustrator. Ever since I could pick up a pencil I’ve been drawing. I found inspiration in coloring books, children’s books and Disney movies and I would try to recreate those beautiful characters. When I was in high school I made a hobby of creating logos and drawings for local bands and friends. It wasn’t until I was 24 that I realized I could make a career out of my hobby.
In 2016 I was pursuing Early Childhood Education at Bristol Community College and using all of my free electives to take drawing classes. I sat down with my figure drawing professor and talked to him about a careers in the design field, the very next day I switched my major. I graduated in 2018 from Bristol Community college with an associates in Fine Arts and transferred to University of Massachusetts Dartmouth to pursue Illustration and Graphic Design. As my skills emerged I realized that I have a passion for narrative illustrations. I love developing unique characters and placing them in a story. I began using my passion for narrative illustrations to develop children’s books, create comics, posters and so much more.